jueves, 26 de mayo de 2011

For someone should...

And I will.

(Porque alguien debería...
Y lo haré.)

5 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

Abi likes this.

Shogun´s emporium dijo...

Shogun is madly in love with this.

Mar dijo...

Abi: And this likes Abi too, I'm very much afraid.

Shogun: Perfectly understandable. You should. I actually do. He is madness and he is love after all.

AKB dijo...

What is the story behind this piece? It resonates very closely with a dream I once had...

Mar dijo...

He has his own long, long story, I suppose...

He is surely a dream and surely He is not. Maybe He dreamt with you once too, maybe He is the one dreaming with us during the warm, green night; curling us around his fingers, around his horns.

Thank you so much for visiting this place, AKB. I would love to hear some detail of that dream of yours…